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Wedding photographer

We love making wedding photos in Denmark

After the Holiday blitz and the New Years fun the first week back to work mercifully was a short one! We are always happy to see a Friday around here because it usually precedes a wedding! Gear organizing, battery charging, idea gathering Friday!

But we don’t have a wedding tomorrow so we might just have to relax a little bit. Spend some time with family and maybe watch a film… an old one maybe. A Black & White delight like Casablanca or maybe It’s a Wonderful Life? An Abbott and Costello would be perfect!  The strength of Black & White and the ability to convey emotion is really special. 

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Wedding albums



Why is this important? 

Firstly, we have a unique insight into just how that day went and how our bride and groom reacted to each moment. We know what was emotional, what was special, what was touching and what was funny. 

The initial design is done so our couples have a place to start, we don’t deliver the disk and ask you to choose 150 or so images so we can start to design your wedding album.

If we did you would have to make the time to sort through all those images! We know how busy  newlyweds are we realized that could delay the production of your wedding album for what could easily be several months.

Once the initial design is completed we send you a link to the album on the web so you can see it, share it and get input from family and friends. You can look at when and where ever you like and really give it your attention when it is convenient for you as a couple.

Any changes you want to make are handled the same way, you let us know what changes you would like and we make them for you. An updated version of your album is then presented to you for your consideration. 

You won’t need to make time for design meetings as we can do it all online! If you would prefer to have a design meeting, we would love to buy you a cup of tea, have a chat about what we can do to deliver the wedding album you will cherish for years to come!

wedding photographs?



It is an interesting question isn’t it?

We hear often enough that” a friend of a friend wants to become a professional photographer so they have said they will shoot our wedding for free!” 

They want to build up their portfolio with images so they offer to photograph your wedding for free! In other words they want to practice being a wedding photographer at your wedding and at your expense. 

So why should you pay a professional for something that you can get someone else to do for free? 


We have had numerous phone calls from Brides in tears because their wedding images are horrible, out of focus, shadows cast across faces, heads cut off and the shot that was never even taken. They all want to know if we can fix it?  Sometimes we can,  but Photoshop work is very expensive.

While the marriage of the couple is very important, the people that were special enough to be invited are also important.  What of the guests that travelled such a long way to be a part of this special day?


Most weddings turn into family gatherings, often family members haven’t seen each other since the last family wedding. Those are opportunities lost if care isn’t taken to document them properly. 

When I think of the important events in my life, my wedding day is way up at the top of the list. It is a day I cherish and remember and look back on when days aren’t so bright and sunny, maybe when I am feeling a little down. Same with the pictures of my children. I want images that will stand on their own, not requiring a lot of colorful editing to hide all the mistakes that were made. I want images that are created and made by someone who works at his or her craft not just plays at it. 

One thing I often wonder about is what do you do when someone who isn’t a professional ruins your wedding photographs? Not much you can do  from what I can gather. You can’t “recreate” the day. Do you even tell the person? More than likely it’s something you will never forget about and it will always be a negative experience that represents your wedding day. 

What about the digital retouching? Are they working with calibrated monitor’s? Do they have the right software in order to do even the most basic of color correction? As with film, digital files need to be processed. They don’t come out of the camera a finished product they need attention just like film did.

As someone who has photographed 100’s of weddings I have the experience and the equipment to handle anything that a wedding day can throw at me. 

When you look back at the photographs that are meant to last your life time,  meant to be shared with your children and their children and all you really have to remind you of just how beautiful the day was will it be worth it then?  

One thing is for certain just because a professional wedding photographer makes it look easy doesn’t mean it is.

photographic coverage of their wedding day



Some couples book us with budget at the forefront of their thinking and who can blame them. In this economy it is tight for all of us. We appreciate that, the result is we work even harder to give our couples the photographic coverage of their wedding day that they want, not just what they think they can afford. 

“Time is Money” but in this case “Time is Memories”. Booking a wedding photographer for 4 hours may give you the impression that you will have all the important parts of your day covered but maybe it is just as important to think about what isn’t being covered. 

As an example – you book four hours of photography coverage, you may choose to start with some getting ready photographs of the bride. This would be followed by the groom and his groomsmen and perhaps some photographs with parents at this point. Next would be photographic coverage of the bride arriving at the church, the ceremony and then on to the reception for a few photographs on the remaining time. 

Have you allowed time for us to take you and your partner away for some romantic photographs at the venue? Is there time for any group photographs of the bridal party, relatives that may have travelled long distances or you rarely get to see? Have you left time for photographing the speeches? The cake cutting? The photographs of your first dance together as a couple? What about a receiving line at the reception or candid shots with your friends and co-workers. 

When Vanessa and I photograph a wedding (and I mean every wedding) we always photograph it as if we are going to produce a wedding album for our couple. It doesn’t matter if they have purchased one or even asked for one. Our photographic style is to photograph our couples in a fashion that allows us to tell the story of their day. The little details of the brides dress, shoes, flowers, special jewelry. The expression on a fathers face, as he sees his little girl as woman in her wedding gown are all parts of the story we want to tell for our couples. This gives our couples the option of ordering an album when it is more finically feasible if they so desire. Once the day has past all the memories that were left undocumented are gone and can’t be recovered.

Some couples think they can rely on friends or family members to capture these precious moments. But is it worth risking these once in a life time moments to the inexperienced, untrained eye that may not be looking for these things or even aware that they are happening.

We work with our couples to help them plan and get the very most out of the wedding photography coverage that they can afford. At the end of the day what is left? The limo is gone, the food has been enjoyed and the friends and family have gone home. So when you want to remember and re-live this most special of days you reach for your wedding pictures.

It is an interesting question isn’t it?

We hear often enough that” a friend of a friend wants to become a professional photographer so they have said they will shoot our wedding for free!” 

They want to build up their portfolio with images so they offer to photograph your wedding for free! In other words they want to practice being a wedding photographer at your wedding and at your expense. 

When you look back at the photographs that are meant to last your life time,  meant to be shared with your children and their children and all you really have to remind you of just how beautiful the day was will it be worth it then?  

One thing is for certain just because a professional wedding photographer makes it look easy doesn’t mean it is.


So why should you pay a professional for something that you can get someone else to do for free? 

We have had numerous phone calls from Brides in tears because their wedding images are horrible, out of focus, shadows cast across faces, heads cut off and the shot that was never even taken. They all want to know if we can fix it?  Sometimes we can,  but Photoshop work is very expensive.

While the marriage of the couple is very important, the people that were special enough to be invited are also important.  What of the guests that travelled such a long way to be a part of this special day? Most weddings turn into family gatherings, often family members haven’t seen each other since the last family wedding. Those are opportunities lost if care isn’t taken to document them properly. 


When I think of the important events in my life, my wedding day is way up at the top of the list. It is a day I cherish and remember and look back on when days aren’t so bright and sunny, maybe when I am feeling a little down. Same with the pictures of my children. I want images that will stand on their own, not requiring a lot of colorful editing to hide all the mistakes that were made. I want images that are created and made by someone who works at his or her craft not just plays at it. 


One thing I often wonder about is what do you do when someone who isn’t a professional ruins your wedding photographs? Not much you can do  from what I can gather. You can’t “recreate” the day. Do you even tell the person? More than likely it’s something you will never forget about and it will always be a negative experience that represents your wedding day. 


What about the digital retouching? Are they working with calibrated monitor’s? Do they have the right software in order to do even the most basic of color correction? As with film, digital files need to be processed. They don’t come out of the camera a finished product they need attention just like film did.

As someone who has photographed 100’s of weddings I have the experience and the equipment to handle anything that a wedding day can throw at me. 


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Begynder ballet



We really like doing a shot of the wedding rings for our couples! There is an important reason (not just the obvious reason) to have a great quality Macro shot of your wedding rings. We like to include the photograph of the ring in all of our album designs. They are the outward symbol that the whole world sees and they are unique to you and your partner. The rings that you have chosen are special to you and your partner. However, in the event something should happen (and we sincerely hope nothing does) you have a visible record that can be shown to a jeweler or an insurance company.


Lad mig være en del af dit bryllup og fotografere det på en autentisk måde. Kontakt mig nu. Jeg tilbyder 3 bryllupspakker, men jeg tilpasser mig gerne til dine ønsker. Skriv mig nu! Satisfaction guaranteed. Affordable pricing. Fast response. Types: Weddings, Couples.

Mor og mig



Jeg er så privilegeret gennem årene at have fået et stigende antal henvendelser med ønske om at hyre mig som bryllupsfotograf. Det er dejligt, og giver mig et fingerpeg om, at jeg er på rette vej med min forretning. Det stigende antal henvendelser fører dog ikke automatisk til flere bookede bryllupper, og én af de ting, der ofte står i vejen er prisen for fotograferingen.

Det kan naturligvis ikke komme bag på nogen, at pris er en væsentlig faktor, når brudepar skal vælge deres bryllupsfotograf. Ligesom i de fleste andre brancher vil vores kunder gerne have god kvalitet til en rimelig pris.

Det vi kunne kalde ”den kommunikationsmæssige udfordring” opstår hos mig (og sikkert mange andre bryllupsfotografer), når en del brudepar simpelthen synes at en pris på 12-15.000 for en heldagsfotografering er for meget. ” Hvordan kan en serviceydelse, der kan afvikles på en lørdag mellem klokken 14 og 24, koste så meget?”,synes tanken at være. 

Lad os sige at I har booket mig for 13.000 Kr. for en 10 timersfotografering. Der er mange bryllupsfotografer i Danmark der er billigere, men også mange der koster mere, så 13.000 er nok et meget godt gennemsnit.

Først er der: 
Momsen: Alle virksomheder med større omsætning end 50.000 årligt skal momsregistreres. Satsen er 25% i Danmark. 
Af de 13.000 I betaler går altså (13.000 minus 20%) 2.600 kr til staten i form af moms.

Det efterlader mig altså med 10.400 kr.

"Stadigt meget pænt for en dags arbejde", tænker I? Korrekt, men se lige her hvad der sker efter at jeg har forladt jeres bryllup klokken 24 efter brudevalsen.

Billeder skal efterbehandles, det ved enhver. De billeder der kommer ud af kameraet skal som minimum justeres i forhold til kontrast, skarphed og farve. Måske skal der også laves lidt hudretouchering ved bryllupsportrætterne. Det tager tid!

Efter at have sorteret jeres ca. 2000 billeder ned til de 5-600 der skal leveres, skal hver enkelt billede justeres. Jeg har et godt workflow og er på forkant med software og hardware, så jeg hurtigt og effektiv kan arbejde mig igennem jeres bryllup. Alligevel bruger jeg typisk 1 times efterarbejde per time fotograferet. Det vil sige at den 10 timers arbejdsdag pludseligt skal ganges med 2.

Vi er altså nu oppe op 20 timers arbejde.

Derudover er der mail og telefonkorrespondancer med jer før og efter brylluppet. Der skal laves spørgeskemaer, aftales retningslinjer med jeres præst, printes adresselabels til jeres USBstick og mange andre banale opgaver. Helt almindeligt administrationsarbejde, der hører til i enhver virksomhed.

Lad os sige det tager 2 timer per bryllup.

Nu er vi altså oppe på22 arbejdstimer for et heldagsbryllup.

Ofte mødes jeg med jer på jeres bopæl før brylluppet. Det er en stor fordel at have snakket med jer face-to-face før bryllupsdagen, og mødet giver os god tid til at tale bryllupsdagen igennem.

Lad os sige at formødet inklusive transport til og fra der hvor I bor tager 3 timer.

lidt League



For den timeløn:

  • arbejder jeg om lørdagen (hvor de fleste andre har fri),

  • accepterer jeg meget lange arbejdsdage med meget få pauser,

  • medbringer jeg professionelt fotoudstyr

  • er jeg udstyr, - og ansvarsforsikret.

  • skal jeg afholde udgifter som enhver selvstændig: Marketing, regnskab, website osv.

Jeg vil enormt gerne arbejde som bryllupsfotograf i mange år frem, og jeg er overbevist om at det kun kan lade sig gøre hvis jeg driver en forretning, der ikke kun tilfredsstiller den kunstneriske side af mig, men også er økonomisk forsvarlig.

Hvordan får vi efterfølgende billederne ? 
Når dagen er slut og billederne er taget, efterbehandler jeg dem og sender jer et link til et online galleri. Så kan I i ro og mag sætte jer sammen, se alle billederne igennem og efterfølgende dele linket med familie og venner. Alle mine bryllupspakker indeholder online galleri og alle højtopløste billeder på et USB-drev.




Color Correction! Do you color correct your photographs? If your asking “what’s that” or “how do you do that” you may not be aware of just how important that is to your digital negatives! 

Yes I said Digital Negatives   So you get a friend to shoot your wedding and they put all your images on Disc just like we do  So far so good… well so far so good if they caught all the right moments, framed and composed your images properly and even better if they had off camera lighting to capture the best of you & your soul mate without all the harsh shadows of an on camera flash!

However… are those images that you have on Disc now in a format that has been color corrected, blemish removal such as dust or heaven forbid a pimple or two been tended to? Are they cropped in a fashion that allows you to use them or will you need to do some editing of your own? 

The Digital Negative is the image you get on the disc – what format are you getting the negatives in? Maximized or just out of the camera? Everything in the days of film went to the lab to be processed and developed. Digital goes into the computer lab and is processed by the photographer of someone sub-contracted to process them. It is so very important to get those images in the correct format so you can print them and get the absolute best out of your photographs!

What’s your system for keeping your old photographs safe? Shoe box? Maybe a photo album where the photo slides in our lives under a clear cover that sticks to the page?

Those are storage ideas and do very little to protect your images at all, in fact the latter can damage them. When you pull the cover back often times it takes parts of the photo with it. What happens if water manages to find it’s way to the location of your shoe box or photo album? Good things are not likely to happen… 

What is the best safest way available to store your images from the past? Not the digital images, the old paper images from long ago. The memories of Grandparents, Great Grandparents and in some very fortunate cases Great Great Grandparents are fragile and as time goes by and they aren’t protected the risk is greater as the paper and chemicals begin to degrade that those memories could be lost forever. There is one inexpensive alternative that stands above the rest and that is to digitize those images as soon as possible!

We do offer digitalization of photographs onto Disc either CD, DVD or Blu-ray for our clients. We also do photo restoration if so needed. The process isn’t expensive, it allows families to create collections of images and share copies of those collections with all of their siblings and relatives.

If we can be of service to you in preserving your images please don’t hesitate to contact us for information on how you can digitize your photo collections!

Mor og mig



I know I am probably not alone when I say I like BIG prints! The bigger the better and the tighter and sharper the image the bigger you can take that print. A large print on a wall with little satellite prints around it is a very cool look.  Also popular is the family portrait with individual prints of each family member around the main portrait.

BUT… what if you had one large print without all the little prints? One print that had 16 individual images or a sequence of images that needed to be displayed together because… well because they just do! 

You have so many options when it comes to prints these days, so many cool frames and so little wall space   Why not design a print around the room it’s going to hang in? You spend months and months looking for the perfect sofa, and weeks on end looking at paint and trying to find the perfect shade why not design a print that fits the room? Why limit yourself to the traditional 10×8 or 6×4? Why not have a custom print that is 30”x30” and fits the blank spot on the wall and gives the room the perfect finishing touch? 

It isn’t going to cost as much as you may think, it is highly personalized and you can design it from the photo shoot to the printing! Big prints give the viewer the ability to enjoy the subject and feel more connected to it than a smaller standard print in a standard frame. 

Make your own Art! It really is a lot of fun designing a large Montage of images and once framed they last a life time! 

OR…why not have a large print as a poster? We can mount your prints on foam core! They are light and easily moved from place to place and hanging them up is very easy! You really can fill a wall with personal treasures for not a whole lot of money and you can keep it current as well!

Some examples that I hope illustrate my idea! Thank you to the Thacker family as these images are from their shoot at Mary Stevens Park! The boys were terrific and we all really had a great time  

(An hour or so in the park playing with your kids and getting some great photographs sounds like fun  )

lidt League



Fortæl folk om de services, du tilbyder. Brug dette gentagende design for at vise dit indhold. Det er nemt at holde dine kunder opdateret på, hvad der sker. Vil du gøre dette indhold til dit eget? Du skal blot klikke og trække elementer såsom tekst, billeder og links eller forbinde til data fra din samling. Fortæl folk om de services, du tilbyder. Brug dette gentagende design for at vise dit indhold. Det er nemt at holde dine kunder opdateret på, hvad der sker. Vil du gøre dette indhold til dit eget? Du skal blot trække og slippe elementer.


Fortæl folk om de services, du tilbyder. Brug dette gentagende design for at vise dit indhold. Det er nemt at holde dine kunder opdateret på, hvad der sker. Vil du gøre dette indhold til dit eget? Du skal blot klikke og trække elementer såsom tekst, billeder og links eller forbinde til data fra din samling. Fortæl folk om de services, du tilbyder. Brug dette gentagende design for at vise dit indhold. Det er nemt at holde dine kunder opdateret på, hvad der sker. Vil du gøre dette indhold til dit eget? Du skal blot trække og slippe elementer.

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